Astrology readings: Gemini and the duality in personality

Astrology readings: Gemini

Astrology readings of the Gemini Zodiac sign can be really interesting. True, all stars have positives and negatives, but the star sign of Gemini suggests the presence of dual personalities. Astrology readings, in almost all cases, indicate that Gemini will switch personalities without actually realizing that they are doing so. Some of the other traits that are linked to the duality are: Versatility – Gemini are excited by a wide variety of subjects, and they will always try more than one thing. The problem with this trait is that they will always keep on changing what they do. This confirms that their personality is loaded with dual characteristics. Enthusiastic and soft spoken – They will be enthusiastic, but will be soft spoken and never be a loud mouth. They possess excellent communication skills, which makes them natural communicators. Struggling with decisions – Decision making can be a really tough nut for Geminis. They will always be in two minds and tend to lose out on good opportunities. Get bored easily – Geminis always like to challenge their own intellects. Hence, they don’t like to do jobs that include repetitive tasks.